My name is Patrick Sipes, I received my MDiv from Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN in 2003. I was ordained in 2004 and served a two-point parish in the Upper Susquehanna Synod, in Pennsylvania for 8 ½ years before my family moved to Byron Nebraska. Shortly after our move, we had premature twins and I became a stay-at-home dad for three years, until the twins were ready for school. During this time, I was out of the parish, but I continued on the Spiritual Journey I had begun in Pennsylvania. I completed a two-year formation process with Seeking the Spirit Within to become a certified Spiritual Director. I also began a course of study at Creighton University in their Christian Spirituality Program and received an MA in 2018. As the twins began school, I went back to work serving as a Transitional Minister in the Nebraska Synod. Once back in the parish, I began to see more clearly how much of a difference my spiritual journey was making in my life as a husband, father, and pastor. With that realization, the idea for The Forming Spirit began to come to life as a means of helping others begin their own journey on firm footing.